Sunday, December 29, 2013

Feature #99: Me'Chele Daves, Freelance Makeup Artist...

Name: Me'Chele Daves 

Current Job Position Title:  Freelance Makeup Artist/ Hair Extension Specialist

Company Name:  Prettiest Problem 

Contact Information: / @MsTrudy (Instagram) / @PrettiestPrblm (Twitter) /
 @prettiestprblm (IG); 

Special skills:
I specialize in makeup application, education and installing hair extensions.

Describe your job story:
I've always had a passion for beauty. I remember one birthday my mother bought me a professional hair kit that included a real mannequin head and a stylist box full of combs, brushes, rollers and other hair styling supplies. Ever since then, I was hooked. I used to do elaborate hairstyles and take pictures of my work. When I was in middle school and high school, I worked as a salon assistant in Brooklyn, NY. When I went away to college, my best friend used to let me install her weaves. I became really good at it and I decided to start charging people to do it. One of my best friends introduced me to the world of YouTube and I began watching makeup tutorials. I instantly became obsessed. That hobby grew from doing my own makeup, to actually doing makeup on others. I became a lot more fascinated with makeup. I see how many women have a hard time with simple beauty tricks. I decided to start building my brand with my Twitter name which is Prettiest Problem which also fit my theme. Being "pretty" shouldn't be a problem.

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?  
When I was a child I wanted to deliver babies. I just loved babies so much I thought there could be nothing greater than to bring them into this world. I realized that was not my calling when I found out that I couldn't stand the sight of blood. I'd literally get lightheaded and dizzy at the sight. In high school, I majored in bookkeeping and went on to get a degree in finance in college. I was good with math and numbers, so I figured I'd go into something having to do with money. 

Are you doing your dream job?
I am doing my dream job. In the daytime I go to work in accounting, however I realized that I am not as passionate about it. I realized how much I loved doing makeup in my spare time and I am currently building my brand around the beauty culture outside of my 9-5. Being an entrepreneur and doing what I love is my dream job. I'm taking small steps in that direction so I would consider myself to be doing my dream job.

What do you like MOST about what you do?
I LOVE seeing the finished product of what I've done. Many times when I go out, I will volunteer to do a friend's makeup just so I can watch how it enhances her look and attitude. I'll secretly watch her all night just to see the extra confidence a new look brings. That makes me happy.

What do you like the LEAST?
Building a business on your own tends to consume a lot of time. Add that with a regular 9-5 and it can take you from your family quite a bit.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? I see myself as a small business owner in the beauty industry. I'd love to be doing freelance makeup for photoshoots, events, and maybe some television/movies. I was just able to offer my first live, interactive makeup tutorial showing the everyday woman different techniques to apply makeup and I really felt comfortable doing that. I could see myself developing that concept and making it mobile. I'd also love to have my own line of hair extensions as well as accessory line with my branding. I'd like to be a step further to building my own mini empire.

Are you happy with where you are in life?
I'm happy with my life, but I'm not content. I want more for my family and I know we can have it. I have a passion and I think pairing that with a business idea is a perfect start to build the recipe for success. Having supportive people in your corner also helps with the whole vision.

What more do you want to do with your life?
I want more for my family. I want to be proud of my accomplishments. I want to look back and be shocked at what I was able to do and where I came from. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of those I love as well as people I may only meet once in life. On another note, I'd like to experience traveling with my family. I want my children to see that the world is much bigger than what is in this city and state. There is so much more to life than what we are exposed to on a daily basis.

What drives/motivates you?
Knowing that things can get done and growth is possible motivates me. Seeing people's reaction to their new look motivates me to want to do it again and again. My family motivates me to drive harder and want more.

What else do you do?
I'm a mom, which is a full time job in itself. I'm also employed full-time performing accounting functions for a news and entertainment company in Atlanta.

What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope? Sometimes seeking employment starts with you. This world is not set up to hand us anything. That just doesn't work. You have to find something and make it your own. Start small. Don't be afraid to take baby steps. When in doubt, do for self! 


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