Sunday, December 29, 2013

Feature #17: Coy Kindred, Owner | Operator | Dreamer

Name:  Coy Kindred

Current Job Position Title: Owner | Operator | Dreamer

Company NameHigh Hopes Learning Center


Special skills: Touching hearts and opening minds

Describe your job story:
After being in the financial industry for five years, I came to the realization that I was living out someone else’s dream -- not my own.  Although it was difficult to leave behind my 401(k) and the other perks of working for a large corporation, I sincerely felt it was something I needed to do or I’d regret it later. I planned for about 18 months by saving money, doing market research and finding mentors that could give both emotional support and solid business advice. I’m so grateful for all of the preparation because without it, I know I wouldn’t be successful today.

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager? 
I wanted to be a little bit of everything growing up. I remember wanting to be a lawyer, then a teacher and at some point I had convinced myself I was destined to be the next Maya Angelou.

Are doing your dream job?
Actually, yes! I mean, my ultimate dream is to open a charter school and travel the world for the sole purpose of inspiring and encouraging others, but you know: baby steps.

What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST? 
The best thing about working with children is seeing the joy in their eyes when they realize they just learned something new. Knowledge truly is power, and sometimes I feel the little ones understand that better than we do. The toughest part about being an entrepreneur is the amount of time and effort required. As an employee, when the clock struck 5 I could drop everything and head home. As a business owner, my work never truly ends. There is always something new to learn or improve upon. I estimate I work about 55 hours a week compared to my previous 40 – but the trade-off of having the freedom of executive control over my career far outweighs any of the downsides.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 
This is always a tough question. I am compelled to say I see myself happy. I’m sure I’m supposed to discuss how I want to expand the business to multiple locations, have financial security, etc. but there is so much more to life. Whatever I decide to do with my life in the next five years, I just want to be as happy as (or happier than) I am today.

Are you happy with where you are in life? 
Absolutely! As I complete goals, I always replace them with more. I’m certainly not complacent, but I am content.
What more do you want to do with your life? 
If I could speak as quickly as my mind races, this would be much easier to answer. Ultimately, I want to be able to use all of the gifts God has blessed me with to bless others.

What drives/motivates you? 
My mother has been the motivation behind many of the choices I’ve made in life. Although she is no longer with us, she taught me how to make the best out of any situation. I think I’ve been molded into this optimistic, dreamy-eyed girl; I can’t imagine that will ever change.

What else do you do? 
I’ve been known to dabble in poetry…

What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?  
Sometimes the only opportunities you’ll have in life are the ones you create. If you are under-employed, I believe some time should be taken to re-evaluate your strengths and uncovering the angles you haven’t tried that could utilize those skills. You might surprise yourself! Believe it or not, we’re ALL good at something. It’s also important to know that you can’t always do it on your own. Find a support system, build a network and never lose faith that things will work out.

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