Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Feature #80: Robyn L. Norwood, Author/Copy Editor

Name: Robyn L. Norwood

Current Job Position Title: Author/Copy Editor

Company Name: NorwoodEditing
Contact Information:
Special skills: Writing, Editing, Art Realism
Describe your job story: 
I love the arts! I've been an artist all of my life, but had no idea how to channel the abilities God had given me. I can say at the age of 25, I am just beginning to find stability and contentment in who God designed me to be. I've had a few jobs here and there to assist with getting the bills paid, but never was I able to flourish in the past in the arena of the arts to where I'd be sustained financially while enjoying what I do. I have strong belief that this is about to change. Today I have written 3 books and I am currently working on 3 more simultaneously one of which is a novel. I'm excited about the upcoming release of my next title, Freeing America's Daughter's: Declaring war against human trafficking. 

This is a mini book and a title raising awareness about the highly profiled industry of modern-day slavery amongst girls in America. There's so much about this industry that we still don't know and the nightmare of it all is that the activity takes place right under our noses, yet we remain oblivious.

From writing books spawned the endeavor to start my own editing company. My business is scheduled to launch in January of 2014 and will offer copy-editing, proofreading and ghost-writing services to writers, authors and students.  

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager? 
Believe it or not in spite of my current lifestyle and career description, once upon a time I desired to be a veterinarian or lawyer. Out of high school I desired to join the Military and attempted to join the U.S. Air Force up until 2012. I've always had a deep love for discipline and honor.

Are you doing your dream job?
I'm definitely embarking upon that. I don't believe anyone should be confined to a position that threatens their fulfillment. Of course there’s a process to finally being able to operate in your full potential, but if one is a dreamer they will be constantly on the move until they are living the life they were designed for-- even then they won't stop.

What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST? 
The one thing I love most about my current field of writing and publishing books, is the opportunity to express myself through the written word in ways that will be permanently recorded. Words that can breath life into seemingly dead situations, build bridges for others from one dream to the next and remain edifying and life-giving long after I'm gone.
The one thing I like least is the slow burn at times. Being an author is a field that one must be passionate about in order to see a work through to the end. It is rewarding, but a lot of hard work and very time consuming. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 
In the next five years, I'll be teaching my Bible study Daughter of the King to young girls and teens all over the south east. The issue of bullying and teen suicide is a very pressing one and has increased in its effectiveness, but I pray that by the spirit of God with these lessons, some transparency and much understanding, many young girls and teens will be able to find freedom and deliverance from the demons they fight taking full possession of their birthright to freedom in Christ. I also see myself having established clear direction for my future in the arena of the arts in writing, visual art and the ministry of music. Might I add that I also see myself happily married!

Are you happy with where you are in life? 
Yes. I'm learning to take on one maybe two endeavors at a time. I am currently attending what I deem to be the most prestigious Bible college in the world, World Changers Bible School founded by Dr. Creflo A Dollar in 2011. The school is still very new and I am honored to be a part of its history. I'll be graduating with an Associate's Degree in Christian Studies in April of 2015!

What more do you want to do with your life? 
Wow. Talk about a laundry list! I'd love to share my top 3 aspirations--no specific order.
 #1 is to continue in ownership and operation of my editing business--NorwoodEditing  and to see it through to success. Success being defined as helping many individuals to realize their dreams in the writing and publishing industry.
 #2 is to travel with my Bible study Daughter of the King and make a difference in the lives of teen girls.
#3 to become a wife and mother. 
In addition to these I would love the once in a lifetime opportunity to sing as a part of Richard Smallwood's ensemble, Vision. That would be huge!

What drives/motivates you?
God. That's the most efficient answer I can give. Love drives me--God and love being one in the same. He drives me in spirit and causes me to look back on past circumstances and wonder how I made it out of that seemingly insurmountable situation. I appreciate every gift He's entrusted to me and I look to Him to be able to do what I've been put here to do.

What else do you do? 
In addition to being an author, I also draw realism charcoal and graphite portraits, sing opera gospel and traditional gospel and I embrace anything within the arts and crafts arena.

What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?

Having recently seen from the other end of the spectrum leaving a job that I worked and prayed so hard to receive, I can assure anyone seeking employment that there is no shortage and you will be able to find that which you seek. Don't lose hope--you'll need that. 

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