Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Overcome Bitterness TODAY: Meditate

Yesterday was one of the most depressing days that I have ever had. I had a bright and energetic morning and afternoon, but when evening fell, for some reason, all the saddest thoughts came to mind, in addition to my mini spout with road rage and irritation had previously. I think that just topped the cake. After that person cut me off, it was like my scab had been ripped away. I felt as if the most vulnerable parts of me were exposed...and they were.

I could barely enjoy being home from work. My small apartment felt like a cage. I wanted to get out. Either that or shrivel in a corner and never spoken to again. This was odd because I am normally happy about going home.

I spoke on the phone to my boyfriend, sis, and mom because, for some reason, I could not be left alone. It was like the Lord was telling me that I am loved and cared for through my family and love. 

I chose to meditate to clear my head. That seemed like the only remedy. That's what my mind kept telling me to do. 

I played soft music and did my own forms of yoga...just whatever the Holy Spirit led me to do. I don't know if I looked ridiculous or what, but I breathed deeply and I felt all the ugly spirits peel away. I felt more light.

I felt free.

Whatever it is that you're going through, I encourage you to clear your mind and think of absolutely nothing. Stop for a moment, while you're home, lay out a soft mat or cover, and sit quietly. Stretch and breath. Pray. Listen. Meditate.


  1. Lately meditation has been getting me through some rough patches as well, i just recently moved back in with my Mom after 7 years of living on my own and i am still transitioning. It took me literally years to learn how to meditate effectively and now i can do it almost anywhere at any time (except while driving lol) An app named HEADSPACE that i came across on my 9 hour flight to London has helped tremendously.

    1. Very gooood, Nikyta! :-) Wow...thanks for sharing. Do you meditate alone or do you meditate with others? I wonder how it would feel to meditate with someone else present. That would seem awesome.

  2. I mostly meditate solo however i have also tried a few times with one or 2 others present and it is transformative, we all start to breathe in the same pattern and the positive energy is palpable. The most important thing i've learned is to not TRY and force myself to think of nothing, it can be good to embrace the sounds around you and to allow your thoughts (distractions) to pass through naturally. The sense of touch is also important, feeling the way your body connects with the chair or ground and being aware of all of your senses has such a calming effect

    1. I am with you on that, Nixy! And thank you sooo much for your contribution to my blog. It means more than you know!
