Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Feature #75: Michael Collins, Operations Network Analyst

Name: Michael Collins

Current Job Position Title:
Computer Operations Network Analyst

Company Name: Scientific Games

Contact Information: 
Special skills:
 Well while in college I've picked up a few programming languages including, C++, C, Java, Matlab, and am currently working on MySQL since my job is paying for it. I've plans of learning Oracle next, followed by Linux since Linux is the operating system I work with now.

Describe your job story: 
I can't say there is much of a story here. I was working with TSA as a lowly airport screener. I've always had a high literacy in the IT field but I never finished college, so that prevented me from acquiring a lot of jobs. Needless to say, I was stuck working at the airport for five long years. After the fourth year I was fed up with the place, not getting any real pay raises, the lack of employee appreciation, and the self indulged dictators with horrible God complexes that were known as management, pooping on the lesser workers. There were those few managers that were genuinely concerned with the well being of others, and their advancement in life whether it is with TSA or other companies. However, the managers that held majority of the power weren't the ones that were sympathetic. And I'm rambling with rage right now, lol.

Let’s get back to the topic at hand. My fourth year in I decided to try and leave that God forsaken place and was able to find employment with this company called Wipro as one of their Level 2 help desk technicians. I liked what I was doing but, unfortunately was making 40% below the market rate and wasn't really able to leave TSA, just stay there part time. But I was happy there doing something I liked. I wasn't able to stay because of scheduling issues and since TSA paid more, I had to leave Wipro, and was sucked back into that horrid abyss. Another year had passed at TSA when my lucked finally changed for the better. A friend of mine for Scientific Games had told me they were looking for people in IT and got me an interview. They were impressed with me despite my short comings with the lack of education. And here I am now, thoroughly enjoying my job and learning more about IT as I go.

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
 I wanted to be a famous NBA player. I practiced all the time, and even bought a pair of those calve muscle enhancing shoes, but was too lazy to use them, what a waste of my hard earned 80 bucks.

Are doing your dream job? 
Not at all. And that more than likely won't happen now. Then again, my dream job has changed. I'd love to be one of those super car test drivers. That would be an awesome dream job.

What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST? 
The thing I like most about my job is that I pretty much have 14 off days a month. I am basically on vacation every other week. I work 7 days on, and 7 days off. What I like least about the job is it does get extremely boring. But then again, I use that time to do some studying(since the company is paying for the classes), or watch tv, or football. HAHA I guess working 7 days straight is a downfall, but it really makes up being off 7 days.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? 
As far as my career I don't really know. Money seems to be my gold so I'll sell myself to the highest bidder. Right now I'm just working to acquire a few It certifications. The great thing about Information Technology is that technology advances so much that a lot of employers don't require degrees. Once you get your foot in the door, apply yourself and gain experience you pretty much start to demand your salary after 3-4 years.

Are you happy with where you are in life? 
Right now no... Only because I see so much potential in myself and just screwed around too much when I was younger. I'm happy, however, with where it’s going now. Things are starting to turn around.

What more do you want to do with your life? 
As far as my career goes I'm not sure. I'm just happy it’s finally on track. But my personal goals would be to sit down, get married and start a family...Pretty lame huh? HAHAHA

What drives/motivates you? 
Just wanting more in life. And by more I mean, materialistic things, adventures, and more life experiences. That materialistic want is sad I know, but growing up not having much kind of makes you want more unnecessary crap you probably don't need or will only use one time. I've wasted a ton of money on nonsense and still do. The bad thing is now, I can really afford this crap. 

What else do you do? 
I do a lot. I love social gatherings, especially when drinking’s involved, and I love football. That being sad, Football + Drinks+ People = amaaaaaaazing fun! I play video games, and can get pretty hard core. I love going to the movies, playing chess, and especially socializing with friends. My life and meaning would be purposeless without friends and family

What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?
I say don't give up. Just be patient. There are a lot of opportunities out there. You just have to get over being lazy. That is what took me so long to get where I'm at. Everyone has potential to be something great, even if you were that screw up class clown. With the right motivation, and a mentor or two to help you along the way, you'll get very far in life and eventually be happy with what you've accomplished. It always helps to know someone as well. Having a circle of friends that does have kind of helps motivates you to want more.

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