Saturday, November 9, 2013

Feature #68: Charles Brookins, Licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent

Name: Charles Brookins
Current Job Position Title: Licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent

Company Name: Insphere Insurance Solutions/Health Markets

Contact Information: 770-334-0437;

Special skills: Asset Protection, Retirement Planning, Go Between and 1st line of Contact for Clients with various Insurance Carriers, Problem Solving, Strong Negotiation Skills, Great Listener

Describe your job story:

My job story starts after 2007 I had just graduated finally from The Clark Atlanta University with a Bachelor’s of Art in Criminal Justice. Now I’m thinking of finding my niche in my career field, but didn’t really know where to start. My first job in my career field was as a Document Clerk for the Fulton County Solicitor General’s Office. I worked just enough hours not to be considered full time, and was paid two dollars more than the State minimum wage. My pay was not meeting up with my monthly responsibilities, so I started moonlighting as a security guard at night. Now I’m working two jobs and things still aren’t evening out so to speak. I finally gave my formal resignation, and tried my luck at sales. My first sales job was with L.A. Fitness in 2008, and by far one of the best experiences of my life. I was able to work out, and get paid for signing people up for gym memberships.

I left L.A. Fitness in 2009 and started doing various temporary Customer Service Jobs with Call Centers. This went on for the next three years with various companies; too many to even begin naming. The last call center/sales position I held was with a company called All Connect, and they were the first company to give me a broad array of products to offer to prospective buyers. They were also the first company to actually teach me the intricacies and the art of suggestive selling. All Connect taught their employees to approach each opportunity in a more consultative manner. I don’t think I could put a price on the knowledge I gained from my Supervisor or my teammates. I was making so much money with All Connect I didn’t know what to do with it after I paid my bills. The only drawback with their organization, in my opinion, would be the unwillingness to adjust shift schedules. So after I left All Connect I started researching Careers where I would have more control over my schedule, and still could make a substantial amount of money. I had it narrowed down to two choices which were real estate agent and insurance agent. After speaking with individuals in both fields I chose the latter and never looked back.

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
When I was a child I wanted to be a lawyer, and as a teenager I wanted to be a comedian.

Are doing your dream job?
I love my career because I am actually offering services that people actually need. I really feel like I have given them solutions to those tricky questions that come with just living life.

What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST?
What I like most about my career is that I meet new people every day. I get to interact with different personalities, and also get a chance to look at situations with a different perspective. Insurance is constantly changing so you have to be knowledgeable of these changes, and able to adapt to unique situations that will present themselves. What I don’t like about my job is the driving.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Five years from now I expect to have written over 2 million dollars in life and health insurance policies. I would like to have a couple of kids, and do a lot of traveling. If all goes well I may be inclined to open my own insurance agency.

Are you happy with where you are in life?
Yes, I am. I would not trade my current situation for anything in the world. I have a beautiful wife, a budding career, and all the support you need to be successful.

What more do you want to do with your life?
I actually would like to give back more in a philanthropic way. I want to get to a point in life where I can actually say I helped better another person’s situation. My grandmothers were both loving and giving people, and they were able to instill that in their children. It’s like that Coke Commercial where one good deed inspires many.

 What drives/motivates you?
The fear of complacency is what motivates me. A good sales man told me that you need to stay uncomfortable to be successful. You can’t have a great week and rest the next. Consistency is the key to establishing your brand and building your business.

What else do you do?
I like to shoot pool every now and then. One of my favorite past times is feeding the ducks at Piedmont Park with my wife.

 What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?
There is no such thing as not having hope. You have to believe that God put you on this earth for a reason. If you’ve tried a couple of things and they didn’t pan out the way you like it take what good experiences and knowledge that you can, and apply them to your next endeavor. The key is to never give up in seeking what you are good at. Once you find your niche in life it’s not a job anymore it starts to become a passion for you.That’s when you know you’ve found what you love to do. It doesn’t feel like work, and you find out that you are actually quite good at it whatever it may be.


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