Name: Tia Mosley
Current Job Position Title: Media & Integrations Coordinator
Company Name: Carat
Describe your job story:
I have been in marketing and advertising for over 7 years. The last client (who will remain anonymous) was a psycho bitch. I took 30 days away from work, went to Sri Lanka and had an "eat/pray/love" moment. When I returned state side, working was the last thing I wanted to do...and it was. Out of a 40 hour "work week" I probably worked...ummm around 3 hours. I was tired, irritated and burned out. So, the client fired my company, I got laid off and decided that I was not going to look for a job at all. No, I didn't have any money saved...I spent it all on food, plane tickets, lip glosses and journals. I packed a few bags, tossed them into Betty, my cavalier, and prepared myself for my 12 hour ride home to Houston, TX. As I sped down I-10, I got a phone call...for a job that I didn't even apply for...
What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
I wanted to work in a bar in Australia and serve beer.
Are doing your dream job?
Sort of. I am working in production. I get to coordinate shoots, work with amazing producers and directors...and I get a steady pay check. Hey!
What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST?
I like most that I work with some really interesting people. I DO not understand why I have to go to work every single day - M-F. THis schedule has always bothered me...since elementary school. I couldn't understand for the life of me why I had to attend school everyday and why my parents were always at work.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
On a beach, in South Africa, in some foreign thrift store, writing about my life on the back of a napkin.
Are you happy with where you are in life? I am.
What more do you want to do with your life?
I want to travel more, meet more people and LIVE::LAUGH::LUST::LOVE, in that order.
What drives/motivates you?
Words. Spoken, written, and thought.
What else do you do?
I stage manage, write...and plant vegetables and watermelons.
What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?
Make friends. Every single job I've had, has been because someone knew me, remembered when I brought them cookies for breakfast, or picked their mom up from the train station, or smiled long and hard on a hellish day. Be nice to people and somehow, your needs will be met! :)
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