Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Feature #118: Alexandria Stephens, Lifestyle and Beauty Influencer

Name: Alexandria Stephens

Current Job Position Title:
Lifestyle and Beauty Influencer

Company Name:
ItWorks! Global

Contact Information: Phone: 14048505286 (welcome to call or text) 

Special skills:  I love to write and sing in my spare time. I think I'm pretty good at it!  
Describe your job story: My job is to show people how to start finding financial freedom while getting healthy inside-out and feeling their very best every day. Also, showing people how to live a positive, spiritual lifestyle. 

What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
Always wanted to be my own boss and I love helping people be their best and encourage others.

Are doing your dream job? Being an entrepreneur, absolutely! 

What do you like MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST?
What I love the most is being able to show people how to live a happier, healthier life and getting in healthy (myself), while doing it. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Working COMPLETELY for myself where I can continue to contribute to my home while having more time with my children.

Are you happy with where you are in life?
Yes, what I have found since starting this business is that it has made me so much more positive, motivated,  and I feel better than ever! 

What more do you want to do with your life?
Continue to help other get to where they want to be! 

What drives/motivates you?
My daughter is definitely my reason to push myself harder every day.  I can never give up. Even when I feel like quitting,  she keeps me going.

What else do you do?
I also work as an event planner for Publix. I love doing this as well and plan to start my own in the near future. 

What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?

Trust God always and never doubt yourself.  You are all you need to be successful. Keep pushing and NEVER give up! 

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