Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Tree Widow" Movie Premier - Black Woman in Film (Review)

Alison Newman

The attached photos include black people who are attracted to both trees as well as the movie title, TREE WIDOW. If it had not amused us, we would not have showed up in such a great number! We crave freshness in film. The fact that Rev. Newman's movie is independent and written and produced by a black woman is all the more reason why we came to support!

The movie depicts a woman who promotes celibacy and sexual abstinence before marriage. This is a very significant issue in today's society. The theme is relevant. We live in a world that promotes living in the opposite ways of the Bible. The Bible teaches that we ought to be holy and share our bodies with our spouse only...but the world is manipulating and causes many people to disobey His word.

Tree Widow is both intriguing as well as convicting for its ability to engage the viewer. Shortly after the film ended, Rev. Newman invited the audience to give reviews. One woman timidly approached the front of room and faced the crowd. She had been moved to tears because she could relate to the scenes involving the characters' bitter and hateful mothers.

Tree Widow is electrifying and a must-see for all generations all over the world and not internationally only. I would watch it again and again and encourage others to do the same. It's life-changing.

If you support independent films and want to donate or contribute to this project, contact Alison Newman directly at