Don't forget that you were born original. There can never be another you...only a replica.
I am thinking about impersonators and how many of them work feverishly to look like someone whom they admire. They undergo numerous surgeries, get odd jobs to purchase new clothing/jewelry, and take pills to change their voices. They do whatever it takes to look, sound, feel, vibe, walk, be, and exist as someone that they're not. Why do they do this? They are simply working to achieve another identity outside their own.
In your case...
You may be faced with not knowing who you truly are.
Life can be confusing, but I urge you to get to know you. Get to know your likes, dislikes, flaws, and perfections. What's your favorite color? Do you have a favorite food? What are your hobbies? What makes you different from other people?
Go back to the days when you were in elementary school and you didn't really care what others thought of you. You were new to everything around you and you felt comfortable in your own skin. If you didn't feel this way as a child, think of the earliest time that you did not care what others thought of you. You danced when no one was watching. You smiled outside the window. You admired your smile. You loved your body.
Don't forget that you were born original.
You were created with only one you.
There can only be clones.
There can only be duplicates.
Be original.