Name: Tawni S. Fears
Current Job Position Title: Founder/CEO
Company Name: The Tawni Logues, LLC
Contact Information: www.TheTawniLogues.com E: Info@TheTawniLogues.com
Special skills: Writing and editing
Describe your job story: Writing has always been my passion. For years, I ran from actively pursuing it while working in the music industry. I took a leap of faith and went for an unexpected opportunity to write for gospel artist, Kierra Sheard. I will briefly share what happened:
The first time I was asked to write professionally, I had no idea how to compose a press release, neither did I have my own computer to get it done. I went home the night I was asked to do it with printouts to study and plenty of apprehension. I read everything in front of me, and then began to write out something I hoped she would love. The next day I typed it up, and sent it over to my best friend for feedback and revisions. Once I sent it in, I was told they would take submissions from other people, too. At that point I felt like I wouldn't get it. I had been writing all my life, but I eventually put it to the side to focus on other things. Although in college I wanted to write for television, I still wasn't really moved to believe I would ever be a professional writer in any capacity. My parents believed I would. I didn't. As a little girl, you couldn't tell me I wouldn't do well as a writer. As an adult, I talked myself out of it. I cannot really tell you why, when I heard often from others that I had a way with words.
was eventually told that they went with what I sent in. It still took me awhile
to build my confidence up. Then finally, I saw my gift and embraced it fully.
I am thankful that what felt like setbacks did not stop me. I am also truly grateful that the times that life hit me with an ongoing sickness, tragedy, and disappointments, that I continued to keep fighting. The Tawni Logues was birthed from talent, but also perseverance. As busy as I am these days, I try to celebrate and support others so they can also find their passions because I know how tough it can get.
A little more about my company:
The Tawni Logues, LLC is a boutique communications firm helping to build brands and companies through sharp and strategic writing and editing services. The company specializes in unique approaches to getting each client’s point across. Tawni Fears and The Tawni Logues, LLC were recognized in the Atlanta Tribune as a rising business owner and company to watch. The Tawni Logues, LLC was established in 2010.
Andrew Young
The Ludacris Foundation
The Vortex & Asics
Big K.R.I.T.
Angel McCoughtry Dream Foundation
Gregory B. Levett & Sons Funeral Home &
Crematory, Inc.
Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products
Uncle Jimmy Products
Atlanta Falcons
Daron Jones of 112
What did you want to be when you were a child/ teenager?
teacher. I actual do not feel like I fully left that behind. I serve and help
people grow and learn through my company.
Are doing your dream job?
Are doing your dream job?
I also get to help people with their dream jobs. It is so fulfilling.
What do you like
MOST about what you do? What do you like the LEAST?
like that I get to follow my dream each day. Sometimes balancing it all can be
tough, but that pushes me to work more efficiently.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
will be writing for more major clients/corporations and teaching writing
Are you happy with where you are in life?
I am thankful that I am able to do what I love and continue to grow. I know my
purpose and that is a blessing.
What more do you want to do with your life?
want to continue to do more speaking engagements and write my own books.
What drives/motivates you?
fact that I know what God put me here to do. I try to make the most of the time
I have to give, grow, and help others.
What else do you do?
What else do you do?
am also employed by the City of Atlanta, where I still write and edit
throughout the day.
What is your advice to those who are seeking employment and have no hope?
It will not be easy,
but it will be worth it. Pray, push, and let people help you. If you find your niche,
then research and learn more about how to turn it into a craft. If anyone needs
more advice or encouragement, feel free to contact me. I am here to help.